I’d like to start to share with you some of the wonderful artists on Esty. First up is
Surfing Silver. When I first found this shop, Rita was making beautiful surf-inspired jewelry. She is still doing that but she has now expanded into custom work, making pieces from your child’s artwork. Take a look at the pieces below. They are amazing . And what a great feeling for a child, or parent, or grandparent, to see their artwork transformed this way. I can only imagine how much fun this must be for Rita. Here is a little bit about Rita and some pictures of the jewelry, as well as the links to her Etsy shop
http://www.etsy.com/shop/surfingsilver and to her facebook page
Sacred Lotus Silver Earrings |
ABOUT RITA . . . Born in So California and lived there all my life except for a brief stint in Hawaii. As a child and adolescent in So Cal I lived in a house where we could see the ocean all day, everyday. Having a houseboat at Lake Powell allows me to live on the water for a time each year. Being an artist I have always been fascinated with water and especially moving water. I have studied the movement of water for years. When I first started working with PMC all of my other art immediately went on hold and my paints have been put aside for now. I never thought I would get into 3D sculpture, but I have found that carving has become my favorite thing now, and my pieces are taking on a sculptural quality. I am constantly evolving so I'll just have to see where this takes me. I was trained by the world famous metal smith Tim McCreight and I am guild certified in PMC techniques by RioGrande. I currently belong to the PMC Guild and teach PMC classes.
Your Child's Artwork |
Silver Wave Bangle Bracelet |
Your Child's Artwork
Cloudbreak at Tavarua |
Foot (or hand) print of a loved one
So, what did you think. Don't you wish you had your kids artwork? Or maybe even your own from days gone by! And the waves! Do they make you feel good. Can you feel the warm sun! It works for me!
Thanks! Colleen |
Rita sure has some great ideas! My 4 year old just drew some pictures of us at the grocery store - I'll have to look at her shop soon. I'm following you from the CAST team on Etsy. Here's my blog if you want to follow me back: http://www.brendashandmade.blogspot.com.